Our Practice test
Our Office in Gilroy
At the office of Dr. Edward L. Vines, we are proud to serve families in the greater Gilroy area. Our dentist and highly-trained staff, as well as the specialists we regularly collaborate with, offer effective treatments that will help you achieve your ideal smile and preserve your health. We pride ourselves on providing compassionate care to patients of all ages. To schedule your appointment with our family dentist, call the office of Dr. Vines today!
Experience and Compassion in a Warm Environment
Dr. Vines has enjoyed working with patients of all ages for over 40 years. Dr. Vines and his staff are committed to continuing education in order to implement the best in modern dental care for their patients. Dentistry is a combination of art and science; while modern techniques can be learned, it is paramount that new methods be delivered with experienced hands. Dr. Vines’s team follows his philosophy of treating patients like family, working with them to encourage prevention and long-term health.
Family Dentistry Services
Dr. Vines works with patients of all ages, including seniors and children as young as four. Our comprehensive services are outlined with the long-term health, beauty, and function of your smile in mind. Dr. Vines encourages ongoing preventive care with annual or semi-annual recall appointments. He also encourages prevention, so that children and adults alike can maintain their health between regular appointments.
Our office is conveniently located in the beautiful Gilroy Medical Park. If the need arises for a dental specialist or medical consultation, extra care is within a few steps of his office.
Affordable Dental Care in Gilroy
We are a Delta Dental Premier Provider and accept most PPO insurances that allow you to see any dentist. We will file insurance claims for you and accept cash, checks, Visa, and MasterCard as payment for amounts not paid by your insurance. For patients who require extensive treatments, we offer access to financing through CareCredit. We strongly encourage you to discuss cost and payment for your dental treatment beforehand in order to avoid any misunderstanding.
Call Dr. Vines Today!
Dr. Vines and his team offer compassionate service and treatments designed to preserve your smile for years to come. Our practice invites patients from the greater Gilroy area, including all of Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz and Monterey County. Call today to schedule your next appointment!